Lorraine Young

Lorraine Young
Lorraine Young

Lorraine Young

Company Secretary, London

Standard Chartered PLC

Shakespeare Martineau LLP

The Chartered Governance Institute


Lorraine Young is a chartered governance professional and accredited mediator, who provides board advisory and related consultancy services. She is a non-executive director of PHSC plc and a former non-executive director of City of London Group plc, both AIM listed companies. Lorraine is a Past President and Fellow of The Chartered Governance Institute.

She has held senior governance roles at a number of FTSE 350 companies. She ran her own company secretarial and corporate governance advisory practice for 13 years, which in 2016 she merged with the cosec team at a UK top 50 law firm where she was a partner. Since February 2019, Lorraine has been pursuing her own consultancy interests once more

Board of directors

Lorraine joined Ebiquity as Company Secretary in January 2021.

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