Opinion: Marketers need to get their digital display houses in order
Advertisers can and should prioritize a number of key drivers that sit well outside the programmatic ecosystem to drive improvement in the quality of digital display.

Opinion: Why creative advertising is also effective advertising
There is a crisis in advertising – a crisis of creative effectiveness which stems from the financial pressures exerted on brands for the past 15 years.

Opinion: It’s time for innovation: setting up for recovery and growth
Debbie Morrison, Ebiquity’s managing director for global partnerships and events, offers her take on what marketers and business leaders should be thinking about.

Will the new agile way of working last?
Under the sustained pressure of coronavirus, many advertisers and their agency partners have been compelled to adopt new, agile ways of working in partnership.

Out Of A Crisis, A Solution: End The Myriad Of Vanity Metrics
As remarked during the ’08 economic downturn, “don’t waste a crisis” was an opportunity to make improvements in the United States’ financial infrastructure.

France – Unprecedented drop in the advertising market in 2020
At the very least, the French advertising market is set to fall by 23% in 2020, according to estimates drawn up by France Pub and Irep ¬associated with Kantar Media.