Ebiquity und die W&V analysieren die TV-Show “Das Ding des Jahres”
ProSieben hat mit der Sendung “Das Ding des Jahres” ein neues Format im Programm. Bei der TV-Show geht es um Erfindungen verschiedener Kandidaten, die während der sechsteiligen Staffel gegeneinander antreten und ihre Innovation …

Tim Hussain, Managing Principal, Ebiquity|Tech joins I-COM UK Advisory Board
Ebiquity is pleased to announce Tim Hussain, Managing Principal, Ebiquity|Tech has joined I-COM’s UK Advisory Board. I-COM is the largest international group at the forefront of smart data marketing. They share learnings and init…

2018 ANA Media Conference – Reflecting on Transparency
At the annual Association of National Advertisers Media Conference in Orlando, marketers, agencies and tech companies alike came together to share their experiences, best practices, and roadblocks they currently face. Amongst the many purpo…

2018 ANA Media Conference – Reflecting on Transparency
At the annual Association of National Advertisers Media Conference in Orlando, marketers, agencies and tech companies alike came together to

WFA member report released: major multinationals now going beyond auditing as the role of the independent advisor evolve…
A new World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) study released earlier this week has found that major multinationals are now using an increasingly expanding array of services from independent media advisors. As the industry landscape has change…

Digital-Experte Oliver Migge als Speaker beim DMQ Backgroundtalk
Anfang März hat der Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) seine neue Veranstaltungsreihe DMQ Backgroundtalk in Hamburg gestartet. Bei der Veranstaltung ging es schwerpunktmäßig um ein Zusammenkommen von Branchenexperten für die Themen Br…