
The Board consists of two executive directors and four non-executive directors including a non-executive Chair. The Board has overall responsibility for the Group and aims to represent the interests of shareholders, while also engaging with, and taking account of, the views of other stakeholders.  It provides leadership and control in order to ensure the growth and development of the business.

Biographical details of the directors can be found below.

// Our board

Board members

Rob Woodward

Non-Executive Chair and Chair of Nomination Committee

Ruben Schreurs

Group Chief Executive Officer

Sue Farr

Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Remuneration Committee

Lara Izlan

Non-Executive Director

Richard Nichols

Non‑Executive Director and Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee

Dorcas Murray

Group Company Secretary and Legal Consultant (Interim)

Board Committees

Certain matters are reserved to the Board for its decision – the schedule of matters reserved for the Board can be viewed here: Schedule of matters reserved for the board.

The Board has delegated some of its responsibilities to a number of Board committees as below.

 Audit and Risk CommitteeRemuneration CommitteeNomination Committee
Rob WoodwardMemberMemberChair
Sue FarrMemberChairMember
Lara IzlanMemberMemberMember
Richard NicholsChairMemberMember
Terms of referenceAudit and risk committee terms of referenceRemuneration committee terms of referenceNomination committee terms of reference

Ebiquity’s most recent corporate governance statement can be found here Corporate governance statement.