
At the end of June, we brought together a group of senior clients and our digital media experts for a breakfast event to help them get the most out of their digital advertising investment. We considered current trends and best practice in an event we called Demystifying Digital. Here you can watch the full talks from our digital team.  


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Martin Vinter is Ebiquity UK’s Head of Media. During his talk, he: 

  • Weighs up the options facing marketers in how they choose to control digital advertising investments 
  • Discusses consolidation versus fragmentation, and about working with specialists to achieve greater control and visibility 
  • Advises brand owners to ask tough and honest questions about their own organisations before deciding to consolidate or fragment.  

Watch his talk here.  



tim hussain new dd


nothingTim Hussain is Ebiquity’s Managing Principal for Tech in Europe. During his talk, he:

  • Summarises the in-housing/out-sourcing debate
  • Cautions that advertisers should be aware that in-housing is not necessarily the cheapest or most efficient way to tackle the transparency issue
  • Explains that the debate is being stoked by those who have a vested self-interest in advertisers in-housing ad-tech, most notably consultancies.

Watch his talk here.



stephen broderick new dd


nothingStephen Broderick is the founder and CEO of FirmDecisions, our specialist contract compliance business. During his talk, he:

  • Reflects on how rebates not going from agencies to advertisers is nothing new
  • Discusses 2016’s report from the U.S. Association of National Advertisers (ANA)
  • Recommends that advertisers review their contracts with agency and tech partners regularly.

Watch his talk here.



tim fisher new dd


nothingTim Fisher is Ebiquity’s Commercial Head of Attribution from our Analytics practice. During his talk, he:

  • Welcomes the widespread use of digital media performance data to analyse the impact of campaigns
  • Highlights the shortcomings of using most commercially-available digital attribution solutions
  • Recommends advertisers use a blended approach drawing from a full range of analytics tools and techniques available to them.

Watch his talk here.



Michael Karg, Group CEO of Ebiquity, opened and closed the event. In dialogue with brand owners throughout the morning, he urged them step back from the day-to-day business and pressures of running increasingly digital advertising campaigns and ask challenging questions of agency partners. This is the best way to deliver the levels of transparency, impact, and effectiveness that they desire.

To register your interest for future breakfast events, click here.

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