It’s been a banner year for the streaming video ecosystem, particularly for ad-supported platforms that are getting acquired and netting bigger audiences every month. As the advertising community works out how to best leverage the growing number of platforms, marketers are beginning to notice that—like linear networks—there are differences between the audiences that each one serves.
According to interviews with several media buyers and advertisers, few ad-supported platforms are big enough yet to deliver the broad audience buys that television is known for—but they’re growing fast. While investments often hinge on individual clients’ goals, hypotheses about the usefulness of these platforms are being tested and confirmed in real-time as audience growth encourages even more spending.
New, younger and tech-savvy audiences
Ebiquity’s Jed Meyer, says:
The older consumer who may be less tech fluent, who maybe hadn’t installed their Roku stick or set up Chromecast, is starting to figure that out. That has broadened the potential audience.”
Some advertisers said they consider original content when deciding where to invest, which may be why Amazon-owned streamer IMDb TV is investing in a slate of original programming including new shows from longtime television judge Judy Sheindlin.
It’s a differentiator in the consumer’s mind, which is a nice differentiator for the brand, if they like this kind of content and want to be associated with it,” Meyer said.
To read the article in full, on AdWeek, click here.
First featured 23/11/2020.