A view from Christian Polman, Chief Strategy Office, on Brexit has been featured in The Drum.
As Britain waves its long goodbye to the European Union, there are understandable concerns around consumer confidence and the attractiveness of the country to talent.
The Drum has asked Ebiquity and others, including WPP chief Mark Read and Sky Media’s Debarshi Pandit, how Brexit really stands to change the world of advertising and marketing – and what they’re doing to prepare.
Christian highlights that: “we are recommending that companies change the way they plan to factor in how Brexit might impact their overall commercial performance. Given the current uncertainty, many clients, especially retailers and manufacturers, are investing in analytics services to help them measure and understand what the likely post-Brexit world will look like, and put in place contingencies to deal with a range of likely outcomes”.
To read the article in full in The Drum, please click here.
First featured on 21/03/2019