
Facebook, Dyson and Coca-Cola are all currently reconsidering their global media accounts. But rather than simply being cyclical, these huge reviews suggest a pattern of brands trying to squeeze more out of their media partners amid Covid-19 shockwaves. So, what is it they actually want from a new school of planners and buyers?

Laetitia Zinetti, the managing director for continental Europe at Ebiquity, says media shops that can demonstrate expertise and flexibility will win big in this upcoming round of media pitches.

There is willingness to actually consider media agencies as business partners, while targets are obviously changing towards more business outcomes than just successful media KPI.“

In short, as brands become leaner and more self-sufficient, they want partners that complement their own model and provide the supplementary capabilities that stack up against business objectives.

Read the full article on The Drum.

First featured 19/04/2021.

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