Top brands are abandoning Twitter advertising because they fear a public backlash
Nick Waters, CEO of Ebiquity. shares insights about the departure of brands from the social media platform.

The cases for and against The Trade Desk buying Criteo
As the cases for and against a potential blockbuster deal between The Trade Desk and Criterio unfolds, our Ruben Schreurs shares insights with Digiday.

The three trends that will determine advertising investment
As we look ahead to 2023, there are three trends in digital that I believe will dominate advertising investment by the world’s biggest brands in the coming year.

A Puff of Carbon Dioxide
Ebiquity and Scope3 latest report search mentioned in London Review of Books article by Donald MacKenzie.

Two-thirds of UK’s biggest advertisers to cut television spend
The Incorporated Society of British Advertisers (ISBA) and Ebiquity have partnered to assess the intentions of 59 UK brand advertisers.

Marketers find first-party strategies easier said than done
Ruben Schreurs discussed with Digiday first-party strategies and observed how the scale of the challenge facing any given marketing team can depend on what business vertical their brand is operating in.